Friday 17 January 2014

New Year's Eve,,, eh?

Let's Put a THINK !!! in it !
Yeah,,, so... Many of you wont bother to read the whole passage,,, or even try to read the 3rd line.. Of course most of you wont even waste time opening a notification from a guy like me or will scroll down as fast as you can if this accidentally disturbs your news feed... cause I aint writing about dhoom 3 am I.... So yup ! Hmmmm... What was I saying,,, Yeah.. The New Year’s Eve eh ! Sleeping late just so you can witness the fireworks,,, waking late,,, and rushing towards the remote to conquer it before anyone else does... Yup,,, I know having a glance over the headlines... Where one local newscaster exclaims "there have been 659 suicides the last year" and then shows the so called Pakistanis going wild... Wasting money for the New Year which they don’t know will bring what for em... Everywhere ya... Everywhere Pakistanis going wild... Some dancing in the streets,,, crackers, passing stupid declarations which they know they wont follow, firing, shouting, singing,,, riding bikes without silencers.... and yeah, they wont forget to update their status of every social networking site's id they have....
Just at the corner of the road,,, lies a real Pakistani... Looking up,,, in the dark sky... Watching fire crackers and most probably aware about the event... Behind the light flashing in his eyes of the crackers you just blew... Are tears,,, tears that tell you a different story.... A story that starts with a HOW and ends with a WHY.... Yeah but you wont care,,, The best part is you wont care that you don't even care...
I wont ask you to wipe his tears... I don’t even know how to tell you that his life has a value Goddammit!...
So.... This year I request you,,, request you,,, that besides of passing a stupid declaration... and burning money,,, gift it to him... Him who deserves it ! and carry your lives as they were... Because you do not deserve a new Christian’s year when you can’t even remember the Islamic dates.... PEACE !
~Syed Mohsin Ahmed PAKISTANI !

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